This is your opportunity to participate in the water demand survey for the Regional Water Assessment (Gulf RWA).

We are encouraging stakeholders to inform the Department of Regional Development, Manufacturing, and Water (DRDMW) of their current and future water needs.

The goal is to develop a location map of all the demands for water across the Gulf RWA.

To assist in achieving this, we are require your assistance to specify the water's amount, timing, location, and purpose (by crop or industry type) to develop a comprehensive understanding of the region.

The assessment will identify options to improve water security and capitalise on opportunities for growth across the Gulf region. Future projects will be prioritised by need, opportunity, location, and scope of work required. The assessment will look at a number of focus areas, including:

  • future water demands of key industries, including hydrogen industry development and agricultural expansion
  • other medium to long-term future water demands in the region, including urban and cultural needs
  • how to ensure effective local use of water resources
  • climate change and other environmental factors and their influence on water demand and solutions.

A key component of the Gulf RWA is establishing a comprehensive picture of the region's long-term agricultural, industrial, and urban water demand. Synergies Economic Consulting has been engaged by DRDMW to undertake the water demand assessment, which includes broad consultation with stakeholders in the Gulf region. This represents an opportunity for all stakeholders to provide input into the Service Need assessment, which will establish the long-term water demand profiles to underpin the subsequent stages of the RWA.

The survey is now closed. Thanks for participating.